After arriving in Vicksburg, Mississippi and checking in at my hotel, I decided to go on a tour of the Battlefield.
I paid my $12.00 and drove through the gates. On either side of me were statues, plaques and stones engraved
with names, dates, ranks and other important data. I was behind Union lines.
As I was driving slowly through the park, I came to a Civil War canon. I decided to get out of the car and get some photos of it.
It was just outside a thicket of trees and brush aiming towards enemy lines. After turning on my camera, I looked up at the thicket
of trees...and froze! There, just to my right, a few yards away was a Union Soldier. He was wearing blue and carried a rifle....
and I could see right through him! He took a step and vanished! He did not seem to be aware of me.
I dictated all the facts into my iPhone because I couldn't get online that night.
This is the first battlefield ghost I have ever seen as well as my first residual ghost.