As stated previously, the fabled and famous Hollywood Sign is alledgedly haunted.
Depressed over not being able to get her career in Hollywood started, young Peg Entwistle went up the mountainside to the H, climbed up the maintenance ladder and jumped.
She died within minutes. Now the sign stands silent vigil over the Los Angeles basin having been a mute witness to the bygone days of Tinsel Town.
But according to some people who have lived long in LA, the sign is like a psychic magnet, surrounded by phantoms whose earthly dreams died and yet remain behind. Most of these ghosts have not been seen. Some have to those with the sight or the luck, the Gifted......or the Damned.
One night after a Lakers Game, four college students who were bored and looking for an easy thrill, decided to take the trek up to the Hollywood sign.
(Note: This is not easily done today, folks. Due to suicides, vandalism and littering, the area surrounding the sign has been fenced off and is closed to the public.
The Sign by the fence is basic:
There are Security Cameras keeping watch over the sign as well as Patrols 24/7.
If you get caught, you get sent to La Casa de Calaboose or pay much dinero.)
As they took the path that lead up to the D, they saw the silhouette of a woman standing there.
Her face was cloaked in shadows, the glow of the city lights behind her so they couldn't tell who it was. She wore a flowing white dress and high heels (a bit unusual if you are in that kind of rugged terrain). And she started walking slowly towards the group.
One of the guys called out Hello to her but his greeting was met only with silence. And still, she walked closer to them. One of the other guys said hello, as well. Silence. By now, the group had become uneasy but were too frozen with fear to move.
"Please say hello", one of the girls nervously pleaded.
The Woman swept towards them shrieking this whispered sound.
The sound and sudden move galvanized the four into action!
The ran down the side of Mt. Lee as though glued to it. The couple of the group looked behind them to see if the ghost was following. It was indeed in hot pursuit but it did not run down the floated!
They got to their car and as they prepared to speed off into the night, they once again looked back at the way they had come expecting to see the agitated ghost directly behind them.
There was nothing there. It was gone.

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