Friday, September 4, 2015.
As I mentioned in my previous bLogs, Stewart's house is haunted by the ghost of its previous owner.
The other night I encountered another ghost.
On the night in question, I was sleeping peacefully when I was suddenly awakened my a loud noise.
At first, I thought it was a branch bumping against the roof by the wind. I shrugged it off and tried to get back to sleep.
Then the sound started up again, but this time it wasn't random.
It sounded like someone was walking on the roof! It stopped right above my bedroom. The temperature dropped noticeably.
I sat up in bed and turned the light on.
This morning as soon as it was light, I went outside and looked all around the house.
No tree branches were even close enough to the house to bump or even brush against it.
After close inspection I saw that there was no way that anything could have gotten onto the roof by normal means.
This remains a mystery.
Who or WHAT was it, why was it there and what did it want?