Sold on Donna miss november sells real estate. in other ways, she's just an old-fashioned girl According to Donna Edmondson -- Miss November and newly licensed real-estate agent -- the difference between a house and a home is simple: "The home is what everyone dreams of having," she says, "and the house is what everyone dreads buying." Is that an old saying? we ask. "Nah," laughs Donna. "I think I just made it up." Not unlike the dream houses she'll soon be selling, everything in this dream girl's life is mapped out to blueprint perfection. Born 20 years ago in Greensboro, North Carolina, she has decided to stay put. With her brand-new license in hand, she considers the quiet Bible Belt town she has come to love the perfect place to hang her shingle. "I'm a hometown girl. I have connections here." Donna considers herself very religious ("I go to church every Sunday -- well, maybe I miss one Sunday a month") but has little use for "Falwell types," who, she says, "don't scare me. They'll never succeed in taking our freedom." In high school (where the yearbook staff dubbed her MOST LIKELY TO BE A BUNNY), she collected scrapbooks full of scholastic awards, held down a job and still found the time to play first base on the girls' softball team. Her interest in real estate began when her father was losing money on time-share investments. "So I went to real-estate school, took the state exam and passed on the first try. Now I can help Dad, selling him stuff he can own." On the subject of men, Donna admits a certain lack of experience: "Men are wonderful," she practically whispers, "but I haven't really let one close enough to me that I can talk about sex the way some girls can. Virginity isn't something you discuss. I'm not ashamed of still having mine, mind you. It's just not something I really want to talk about -- except, of course, with the man who takes it away from me. I thought about that when I posed for my layout -- imagining the kind of sex I'll one day have. I don't know when or where it will happen. But I do know it'll be with somebody I know and love. And if the time is right ..." She smiles. "I can't wait to find out what he looks like."