Winters' Welcome holiday greetings from a playmate in miami The first time photographer Bunny Yeagar saw Lisa Winters, she was hurrying to catch a bus in downtown Miami, Florida. Lisa is the kind of fresh, young beauty that photographers all across the country are constantly looking for as prospective Playmates and Bunny tried to catch her, but the bus was gone before she could. Fortunately for all concerned, Bunny is a persistent gal, and she returned to that same corner, the same time of day, three afternoons in a row before she spotted Lisa again. This time she spoke to her and since Bunny herself is an attractive model, as well as one of the nation's outstanding female photographers, she was able to gain Lisa's confidence without some of the difficulty a male lensman might have encountered in the same situation. Despite her striking beauty, Lisa had never worked as a model and was not interested in becoming one, but she agreed to pose as a Playmate for Bunny. When the editors here saw Bunny's test shots, we gave a most enthusiastic "go ahead" and asked for more information. Lisa is 19. She is 5'2" tall, weighs 106 pounds and measures 35"-23"-35" from either direction. Her parents are English and Irish, she loves to read and spends at least one day a week in the public library. Her special favorites are the love poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese, and she is also very partial to Poe, Hemingway and Kipling. She calls herself a "home girl" and says, "I've never been any good at sports. I'm more the type to sit by the fire with a good book or a man." She likes her men tall -- the taller the better: she likes to feel "protected." Her man must have a sense of humor; she dislikes pettiness in anyone; she loves people, pretty shoes, spaghetti, chocolate ice cream, fried chicken and short vacations.