Cloud Nine we find a brown-eyed beauty in the wild blue yonder We were winging our way to a busy week of conferences with authors and agents, and our mind was filled with thoughts of the loftiest literary calibre. So lofty were they that we scarcely heard the dulcet voice of the stewardess requesting us to fasten our seat belt. She repeated the request, and we looked up into the brown eyes of petite (5'3") Jean Jani of Dayton, Ohio. That seat belt got fastened pronto, and, later on, when Miss Jani returned to find out our preference in cocktails (double Martini with a twist, thank you), we engaged her in conversation and whipped out our embossed business card. We won't say she consented to become Miss July right then and there, but in the course of polite palaver (during which she told us she is a student stewardess and this was her first trip, that she is saving money to buy a T-bird, her favorite drink is a Vodka Gimlet and she is the proud possessor of a pile of Frank Sinatra, Harry Belafonte and Jackie Gleason platters) we did manage to get in our innings and pave the way for this month's Playmate.