Mid-Winter Thaw a summery sight for snow-blind eyes If you're like us, February is a month that calls for a blues-bouncer. Slush, snuffles, and the other bitter bites of winter have been with us so long they seem like permanent institutions, and the green sheen of spring seems like a pleasant dream from the past. Gloom pervades. What's needed to dispel the pallor of these days is a happy harbinger. The harbinger should be neatly wrapped (37-23-36) and young (21), plus personable enough to turn our heads toward the shape of things to come. Gentlemen, you need look no further -- meet Susie Scott. If you knew Susie like we know Susie, you'd know that she's a Chicago girl whose hobbies are books, records and men, though not necessarily in that order. She's a girl guaranteed to warm the frozen cockles of the coldest heart, and our Miss February.