Nielsen Rates april's well-wheeled miss is a springtime spectacular If all good things come to those who wait, ex-waitress Nancy Nielsen can surely expect a super-sized supply of nothing but the best. This lady-in-waiting has high hopes of nabbing a TV or movie thesping contract, wants to make the move from memorizing menus to learning lines in the very near future. But it's more than just the wishful dream of a wistful hopeful: Twentieth Century-Fox is sufficiently impressed with her potential and proportions to have enrolled her in their acting school. Nancy's home in Lynwood, California, is just a sports-car spin from Hollywood, the Gilt Complex that's the spur for her acting ambitions. NN is a motoring enthusiast and a superb sports-car accessory in her own right: when she isn't scrubbing down her MGA between trips for dramatic coaching or dashing out to the Coliseum to cheer for the Dodgers, she takes more than a passing interest in oil painting. We aver that twenty-year-old Nancy Nielsen makes a pert and pretty picture within her own 36-24-36 frame.