Well-Developed Property miss january's own topography is a real estate broker's dream This being the month when resolutions are made, we thought we'd find a playmate who's well on the way to fulfilling her own. We landed a beauty in the person of Connie Cooper, a twenty-year-old from Southern California who has resolved to become a real estate broker. Presently working part time for the management of a large Hollywood apartment building, Connie is boning up on her knowledge of leaseholds, freeholds and hereditaments at a nearby junior college. Standing five-feet-five, and weighing 110, Connie's own landscaping is, from north to south, an impressive 37-21-36. As delicate as a cloisonne figurine, her charms are at their best indoors, where her proclivities run to such things as collecting Oriental knick-knacks with which to decorate her mantel, and those big, fuzzy honeybears with which girls like to strew their beds. When it comes to men, Connie leans toward someone who will share her interest in opera, who can sit by a stereo rig half the night discussing the relative merits of Puccini and Wagner whilst sipping Strega. "The thing I like most about a man is enthusiasm," says Connie -- a state of mind she should have no trouble stimulating.