Fair Deal carefree terre tucker prefers cards to career In a world overpopulated with would-be career girls, we were cheered recently to uncover a capable young lass who desires only happiness -- despite a sparkling array of talent which could kindle fiery ambition even in a less volatile framework. This take-life-as-she-finds-it girl is umber-tressed Terre Tucker, our November Playmate, an emerald-eyed 19-year-old who ripened under Arizona sunshine and emigrated to Chicago via Beverly Hills and Las Vegas. Though peripatetic Terre (pronounced "Terry") is an accomplished guitarist ("My playing has a long way to go -- but it's sufficient for now"), who will provide her own vocal accompaniment at the drop of a chord ("I think I have a good voice -- in fact, I'm proud of it"), she aspires to a performing career only tentatively. "Some day I may have to work steadily," she admits, "and if that day comes I would enjoy acting and singing." Currently between jobs and living on savings, our Miss November has turned in creditable performances in multifold metiers: she played salesgirl for several months at O'Brian's Casuals in Phoenix, won her wings as a Transcontinental stewardess, and enhanced the summer scenery at a Phoenix watering spot as Arizona's most lissome lifeguard. Rescue and resuscitation techniques being what they are, it's not surprising that the number of near-drownings in Terre's territory rose alarmingly. A compulsive gin-rummy player ("I'm really hooked on the game") who has been known to manipulate both cards and guitar simultaneously, Miss November is a folk aficionado and Baezophile who finds chain-gang songs irresistibly captivating. On a typical day, Terre may snooze out the forenoon before rising for a troubadour stroll down North State Parkway with roomie Sharon Rogers (this month's cover girl), during which the two may tarry for a song or a hand of gin, either in the park or at a nearby pizzeria. Some nights, Terre goes to The Happy Medium, a theater-cafe, to visit friends appearing in the show. Until she finds the man in her life ("Tall, intelligent, ambitious and thoroughly in love with me"), Terre -- admittedly an ingenue -- is content with her guitar-and-gin-rummy days as a bachelor girl. For an eyeful of Terre at her ingenuous best, see gatefold.