Playmate Data Sheet NAME: Lori Winston BIRTHPLACE: Pasadena, California USA BUST: 34" WAIST: 23" HIPS: 34" HEIGHT: 5' 2" WEIGHT: 110 lbs AMBITIONS: To study art and someday be able to go into it. TURN-ONS: XKEs, the color violet, gardenias, buying hats.. TURNOFFS: Conceited men and women, stupid drivers, continuous talkers who say nothing. HOBBIES: Art, shooting, swimming, water skiing, snow skiing, volleyball, nudism. HIGHER ED: I'm studying art at Los Angeles State. FAMILY LIFE: I have two younger brothers and three younger sisters. FAVORITE FLICKS: "Tom Jones," "Gone With the Wind," "The Guns of Navarone," "The Man with the Golden Arm." DID YOU KNOW? One of my ancestors, William Blount, signed the U.S. Constitution. GREAT FOOD: Mexican food, rum drinks, potatoes with cheese with my steak. WHAT I LIKE IN MEN: Kindness, thoughtfulness, ambition. WHAT I DISLIKE IN MEN: Men who think they are doing you a favor by going out with you, and wishy-washy mamby-pambies. I LOVE BEING A PLAYMATE: Because if I'm going to be a model, I might as well start at the top. I'D LOVE TO: Own a tahiti ketch.