NAME: Sasha Bonilova BIRTHPLACE: Lytsk, Ukraine BUST: 36" DD WAIST: 27 HIPS: 36 HEIGHT: 5' 7" WEIGHT: 127 lbs AMBITIONS: To be someone people look up to one day--Playmate of the Year would be great. TURN-ONS: A manly man who is successful and happy in what he does! I want to learn from you. TURNOFFS: Close-minded guys who see only black and white. You must understand that there is a gray area. And a red and a green. Be creative! MY FIRST AMERICAN PALS: The cast of "Friends." I grew up with them just like you, but unlike you I heard them speaking Ukrainian. MY FAVORITE WEAKNESS: A sensual body touch in an appropriate manner is the key to my private world. WORDS TO LIVE BY: "It is not length of life but depth of life."--Ralph Waldo Emerson