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"If we are to see ourselves as reasonable and rational human beings, such peculiar occurrences as might be described, let us say, in a ghost story, are impossible to comprehend. The very existence of the human organism argues against any plane of reality beyond that of our own senses.

The Physical World, a sphere of sight, sound, touch and smell, encompasses all that we are confident is indisputably reliable.
To say that anything beyond that is possible, however improbable, is to court ridicule from our more pragmatic brethren.

Yet, is there not something in each of us that says we cannot know all there is to understand?
That we cannot proclaim with irrefutable certitude that within the observable Universe there is all understanding?

The mere existence of ghost stories, of true tales of the Supernatural, is evidence of belief by some individuals
that a level of being other than our own may occupy some fragment of Space or Time, and that on rare occasions, those who live and work and play in the Physical World, may brush up against this other Universe, if only for a moment. When the two worlds collide, when Matter beholds Non-Matter, we see beyond ourselves ....and into the Void."

from "Historic Haunted America
by Michael Norman and Beth Scott

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