Honey in the Bank this figure-perfect secretary proves a splendid september dividend In keeping with the rest of California's anything-goes architecture, many of its banking institutions operate in the guise of a depositor's Disneyland, a Spanish hacienda, or a Frank Lloyd Wrightish rock-and-redwood ranch house. One conservatively marble-pillared maison de money, however, has enough business acumen to decorate its premises with secretary Christa Speck. When Christa's finished transcribing bank notes for the day, she turns her extracurricular attentions to the dance, jazz, and the sundry outdoor activities that most nineteen-year-old Angelenos find irresistible. And her serious approach to matters fiscal detracts not one whit from Miss Speck's undeniable attributes, which might well, we maintain, cause something of a reverse run on the bank one day soon.